
A looming menace lurks within the towers of American medicine. One young doctor is determined to uncover the truth. Enter the inferno with him on a journey you will never forget.

Don Newman, a resident physician at the renowned University Hospital, awakens to the screams of his pager in a windowless call room in the middle of the night. He runs to the dark ward to attend to a dying woman strapped to a bed and realizes—despite working long and hard to become a doctor and having sworn to do no harm—harm has become his business.

So begins Dr. Newman’s quest to become a healer in a system that puts profits ahead of patients. He abandons his plans to become a cardiologist and enrolls in an Ivy League graduate program in health system science, where an unorthodox professor promises to guide him ever deeper into the dark secrets of the healthcare industry. Don joins fellow students—the alluring Frances Hunt, a sharp nurse practitioner, and Bruce Markum, a cocky, well-connected surgeon—on a journey through the medical underworld. When Dr. Newman unearths evidence of a conspiracy stretching from the halls of Congress to Wall Street and even to his small campus, his harmless course of study becomes deadly serious. Will he be silenced? Or will he find a way to save his patients and others from needless torture?

Jim Bailey pulls back the exam room curtain to reveal a giant healthcare industry spiraling out of control. This literary tour de force resonates with core themes of classical literature, medical history, and science. The End of Healing brings Dante’s Inferno to life for a new era and proves hell is alive and well in American healthcare today. This book will change your perspective on the U.S. medical system forever…and give you the insight you need to find real healing in today’s world.

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